Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Super Bubbles

1. Take a bit of dish soap in a container
2. Then put a spoon full of sugar in the dish soap
3. Now put some water in 
4. put the lid on, shake it, and let it sit for half an hour
5. blow big bubbles

Awesome Goo

To make this goo
you will need

Elmer's glue (GEL)
Food coloring (optional)
Contacts solution
Borax solution

1. Put the Elmer's glue in a bowl (any amount).
2. Add the food coloring (optional)
3. Then put a little bit of Contacts solution
4. Now add Borax solution and stir until it does not stick to the sides of the bowl

Super Bubbles

1. Take a bit of dish soap in a container 2. Then put a spoon full of sugar in the dish soap 3. Now put some water in  4. put the lid on,...